Sunday, September 09, 2007

Out of Town

I'm drivin' down to Houston for a few days. Since my Bro hasn't been dragged into the 21st century, yet, I won't be able to blog from his house. I'm taking Tipper Sharpton with me, so I should have some funny stories when I get home.


Flo said...

What?!?!?! They don't have public libraries in Houston?!?!?!

LBJ said...

Have a safe trip!

phlegmfatale said...

Have fun, babe! Holler when you get back!

Anonymous said...

Holly, have a fun and safe trip.

Flo, it seems to me you'll be without a computer on your trip as well. A whole week of nothing, not a word from your faithful readers. I suggest you look for a library and post us from there.

Anonymous said...

Flo, I was misinformed, two weeks without a computer. Oh my goodness, you really will have withdrawals, won't you?

I know I shouldn't tell how long you'll be gone, but I think your bloggers should know since 2 weeks is a long time in the blog world.

FHB said...

Take care, and be safe on those roads. Does he sit in the passenger seat with his head out the side (top down of course) like a poodle?