Friday, June 01, 2007

Take a Gander at ...

the Site Meter, y'all. Sometime this weekend, I'll reach the 10k mark! If the 10,000th visitor is someone I can identify, they will be the lucky recipient of a batch of Reece's Cup Cookies or get to pick my next topic. Your choice.
So keep your eyes on the prize.
BTW, the site meter is right below my picture on the right.


Bonnie said...


I probably won't be the winner, but I thought I'd say that. Mmmm, yum.

phlegmfatale said...

Um, can I hit "refresh" about 61 times and get the cooks? Let's see...

phlegmfatale said...

Aw, crap! It stopped counting me after 2 refreshes. *harumph!*

FHB said...

25 more to go. What kind of cookies?

Anonymous said...

Cookies? How does this work? Are plain old readers eligible for this or does one have to own a blog? If I stay logged on to Google will I show up in the count? I'll just click, read and see what happens. This blog reading thing is fairly new for me but it's a blast, I'm hooked. Your dog photos are great. Good morning from downtown Houston.

HollyB said...

Reese's Cup Cookies are Peanut Butter cookies wrapped around a mini Reese's PB cup. I can make the cookie dough with sugar and brown sugar OR if you like with the Splenda versions.
My Mom started makin' 'em about 20+ years ago. They have been a fav among fam and friends ever since. She cheats by using Pillsbury PB dough in the roll. But I like more of a PB taste to my cookies so I make my own dough and add extra PB. And since I've lost 56 lbs and am trying to lose 44 more, I use the Splenda. But I can make 'em w/ sugear if the winner prefers.
They are not to be missed. And I will work out a way to contact me for getting a mailing address. No problem there.
14 more hits to go!

Geek with a Pen said...

10,000? woohoo! 10,000!

Congrats, Holly!

The Pagan Blacksmith

HollyB said...

Daniel, are you the reader from Austin?
If so... you are Lucky # 10K!!!
Do you want the cookies or to choose a topic for a blog? Music, Terrorism, TX History, Parolees, Politics, Another Dawg Story, A book review? Whatever your little heart desires...
However, it's not Daniel... please identify yourself.

g bro said...

Missed it by THAT much!
- Maxwell Smart

Congratulations, Holly!

FHB said...

Ha, 10024. Zoinks!

Flo said...

Damn. That's what I get for dawg huntin' instead of blog readin'.

phlegmfatale said...

dag nabbit.